Monday, February 20, 2017

The nutrition you need for sports!!

                                  "Being active to a new idea"                         January 13, 2017
             I am SO excited because this is my very first blog to do ever! I kept on thinking and thinking when my language teacher, Mrs. Browning, told us we had to do a project on anything. Then I thought of, why don't I just share about the proteins, nutrition, hydration, etc. since I'm starting to be on the track team for my school.

                                 "The three main important habits"               January 20, 2017
             If I ask you what you have to do to stay fit, you would probably say "drink water, workout, and run." One of those is a must do thing, you have to drink lots of water, eat healthy, and get plenty of sleep. Drink a lot water so you wont have a sick feeling when working out. Eat healthy and stop eating candy, and eat fruits or a sandwich to gain those proteins and energy. Lastly, get at least 8 hours of sleep every night so you wont be tired everyday in the morning.

                                "Feel good with a good stretch"                       January 27, 2017
             Before you workout or go on a jog, do a little stretch or warmup to cause a less chance of injury. Also, you need to stretch afterward so you wont get any injury after. Just be careful because you don't want to overstretch causing to lead into an injury and you can even stretch at night before bed. Spend about 20-25 minutes in that time area to give your muscles that good tight feeling for them to have a great relaxation after. If you have a sprain, injury, sore muscle, etc. then you need to put some ice on it or roll it out for a few days and get back up and see how it goes.

                                 "Tips to eating healthy"                                   February 3, 2017
            There is a difference between candy and fruits. Candy is not healthy, made out of sugar, and gives off a sugar rush. Fruits are the total opposite, they are healthy, give energy and proteins, and are great vitamins. Although, there are some also good foods out there such as chicken, veggies, almonds, protein bars, etc. You don't have to eat them every day, only like 4-5 days a week. I know this because my mom will fix me some lasagna, while she is in the kitchen cooking her some chicken every day. And also, be sure you take vitamins because, Vitamin D helps your bone density and growth.
                                 "Different ways to take protein"                      February 10, 2017
             Athletes, bodybuilders, and Crossfitters all have different ways to get protein. Most people have heard people get some protein shakes. Some ways are protein shakes, mixes (powder), bars, and milk. Other ways to gin protein are of course, eating eggs, apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, etc. In nutrition there is, 30% of fats, 30% of protein, and 40% of carbs. There are many things to get protein and stay healthy from. Just remember though, to watch what your eating.
                                 "Goals never give up"                                        February 17, 2017
           When working out, running, training, or whatever physical, you have to know that goals play an important role. As long as you try your hardest, believe in yourself, and never give up, you'll accomplish it. I tell myself when I run "okay, now run to the mailbox and try to keep going." Every time I do make and I'm very proud for me. I wouldn't be a good distance runner right now if it weren't for goals. Why do you think they show those Under Armor commercials saying "hard work?"

                              "The updates and supporters"                             February 24,  2017
          Sorry guys but, I have nothing going straight through my head whatsoever. I have been sick yesterday which wasn't all that fun and then we found out it was the stomach virus. :( I have just now arrived back from my try tryouts which, we had to run a mile (4 laps). So, I have had a great week but it ended with a bummer but, that's not what I want to talk about. Once I heard my teacher say we were doing a project,
          I was excited and mostly nervous if you know what I mean. I would have to say that my biggest mentor supporter would be my mom because, she's the one who helps me when I'm not at school. Also, my "expert" person to give me "education lessons" would be the one and only, Cam Newton. Here is a link of a short  little video of him saying part of his training as he grew up.
How Champions are made

                            "Where do I need to go to get exercise?"              March 23, 2017
         Sorry it took forever for this one because, I have been SO busy and everybody's gotta be busy in their life. We write blogs every Friday but, it's Thursday and tomorrow we're taking a field trip to the movies to go see "Beauty and the Beast." So, I'm not here to talk about that. You basically can workout/exercise anywhere. Just PLEASE remember to stay hydrated or you'll feel like your gonna throw up or be wanting water, your supposed to drink half of your body weight, but I just drink 1 1/2 a bottle.
         I know sometimes people have all these weights, bars, etc. but, you don't have to have them. I f your at home and you don't have anything, I will tell you what to do. Be sure to also have a timer to know when to switch because, you can't count on yourself. If you want to do an ab workout, you can do planks, sit-ups, six inches, or kicks laying down and just do at least 10-13 rounds with 1 minute in between. For leg workout, chair sits, burpees, mountain climbers, lunges, running in place, or squats with the same amount of time. For arms, push ups, etc. with the same amount of time. 

                          "Some more updates...again"                                 April 13,2017
         Once again, I have been very busy. So, sorry that I haven't updated. Anyway, today is Thursday and not Friday because, we're having a 4 day weekend. Also, selected people from my track team is going to the championship and checking out (not me) but, everybody is going to the home meet Friday at 8:00 a.m. My last meet was on Thursday and I'm disappointed in myself for getting 4th place in the mile (4 laps). 
        I am extremely busy next week also because, I've got a choir concert and going to the Matilda play on Thursday, and I'm singing my choir songs at a church NEXT Sunday. Since I am running low on topics and/or ideas, you can comment down below of what you want me to share (questions, comments, etc.). I am also gonna present my project on May 12. So, until next time. By the way, check out some of my friends blogs from my class and my teachers, Mrs. Browning.   Bailey Dyal 
Milan Patel Stewart Brown Megan Cheshire Mrs. Browning

                                   "The 9th and 12th of May"                                    April 28, 2017
               I can't believe this year over in 27 DAYS and the project is coming to an end! :( On May 9th, we have to turn our project in and practice our speech (not good at). On the 12th, we have to actually present it and there will be some people there (community, parents, maybe news, etc.). I'm not good at speeches because, I get nervous and my voice starts getting shaky. We also have to answer questions and who knows what someone will ask. 
             If you forgot what I'm doing, its based on the fats, nutritions, excersising, and food. So, I'm afraid this blog might be the second to last. I enjoyed doing this very, very much! In case your wondering how I know this much info, my mom is a nurse so she knows the fats and stuff. Also, I am a track runner for my school (seasons over). 
             Sometimes, I also go to the Crossfit gym myself and workout or I just stay home and workout in my garage or run outside. BTW (by the way) the news might be there when we present just like last year (my class didn't do it). Here's a very short video of last years 20% time.


  1. This is also my very first project to show off to anyone!!

  2. Sounds real neat. and I know I could never keep up with this much.
